Cool Dry Slim Fit Graphic Round Neck Tee - 23478

Color: Green
<p>Material: &quot;Cool Dry&quot; Cotton Blend,&nbsp;Single Jersey<br /> Colour: <style type="text/css"><!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> </style> &nbsp;Green<br /> Cutting: Slim Fit<br /> Pack Size: 1 x&nbsp;Forest Cool Dry Slim Fit Graphic Round Neck Tee - 23478 (G0)<br /> Size Range: S - XXL</p> <p>Features:<br /> Fabric Draws moisture &amp; sweat to the outer layer<br /> Quick drying effect&nbsp;<br /> Keep body dry, cool &amp; comfortable<br /> Kep body temperature &amp; good vapor permeability<br />

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